Anterior Dysfunction – Evaluation & Treatment Planning

This series of videos follows a patient with pain and an unattractive smile with Anterior Dysfunction through evaluation and treatment planning. It emphasizes the use and diagnostic value of a DATA Appliance as well as the importance of understanding a patient’s complete biomechanical status prior to planning functional treatment.

Only when the status of the TMJ’s, Functional occlusal relationships, and parafunctional activity are identified is it possible to determine appropriate functional and, in this case, esthetic treatment. The DATA Appliance is a fundamental tool for doing this.

As previously described in the main introduction of this “Case Examples” section, it is important to understand that some of the terminology has been changed since these videos were produced. The term “Occlusal Dysfunction” that was used in these videos is now referred to as “Posterior Dysfunction”. The term “Kois Deprogrammer” is now referred to as a “DATA Appliance” and the term “Equilibration” has been replaced with “RedAddibration”. It would also be helpful to read Dr. Hegyi’s article “A Classification System for the Management of Biomechanical Factors in Dentistry”, located in the “Online Media Library” section of this site prior to viewing these videos.


Anterior Dysfunction Evaluation 1 – History, Complaints, and Goals: This is the first of ten chapters covering the evaluation and treatment of a patient suffering from pain, damaged teeth, and an unattractive smile resulting from Anterior Dysfunction. In this chapter, the patient describes his history, problems, and goals of treatment.


Anterior Dysfunction Evaluation 2 – Principles of DATA Appliance Design and Patient Response: Dr. Hegyi describes the principles that govern DATA Appliance design and the way in which patients respond to it.


Anterior Dysfunction Evaluation 3 – Anterior Dysfunction Response to Dreprogramming: Dr. Hegyi and his patient discuss the way the patient responded to wearing the DATA Appliance and the adjustments that were made to it – these responses being typical for patients with Anterior Dysfunction and pain.


Anterior Dysfunction Evaluation 4 – Definitive Treatment Options for Anterior Dysfunction: Dr. Hegyi reviews conservative definitive functional and esthetic treatment options for a patient with Anterior Dysfunction and a desire to improve his smile.


Anterior Dysfunction Evaluation 5 – Differentiation of Anterior and Posterior Dysfunction: Dr. Hegyi describes differences between Anterior Dysfunction and Posterior Dysfunction and their impact on appropriate treatment options.


Proceed to: Example Cases – Complete Series: Anterior Dysfunction – Conservative Functional & Esthetic Treatment